Broadway Caroline, or Change the Musical - Caroline, There's Extra Food Lyrics
ROSE: Caroline, there's extra food: Sweet stuffed cabbage, cooked with brisket. It's nutritious! Iron! Vegetables! Bring it to your kids.
CAROLINE: I can't use none, Mrs. Gellman, My kids don't like it, turn they noses up. The smell.
GRANDMA GELLMAN: Your mother smoked too many cigarettes.
NOAH: My father is a clarinet.
GRANDPA GELLMAN: You mean he plays the clarinet.
NOAH: I mean he plays the clarinet. My mama was a sad bassoon: They played duets.
GRANDPA GELLMAN: She smoked those packs of cigarettes.
ROSE: Tell them that cabbage is good for them! Make them eat what's good for them! They'll get use to the smell. I did. Reminds me of home, a Northern smell, Takes me back to Ocean Parkway! They'll learn to love cabbage. I did! I did! Cabbage boiled, iron beets, It makes them strong, Children should be strong, and big! Big strong children?
Noah! Noah! He's so shy? His mother was shy? A hug could break him. Noah darling!
GRANDPA GELLMAN: Pack after pack of cigarettes, We warned her they'd harm her, She wouldn't listen. They killed her, she?s dead, They killed her she died.
CAROLINE: Cancer get people when they poison sick and angry; Or it just get them cause it get them, no reason. Took my momma same as yours. God make cancer Noah Like he make the whole world, You and me and this wash machine. When cancer eat people Noah It God eating them; God sometimes eat people like a hungry wolf. He make this whole world as a test. Cancer was your momma's test, And her death is your test. You been tested, too.
NOAH: Did God make the dryer?
CAROLINE: No, the Devil made the dryer. Everything else, God made.
NOAH: Everything else, God made!
Review: Caroline, or Change the Musical Songs Lyrics Caroline or Change lyrics Caroline There's Extra Food
Caroline, or Change the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS 16 Feet Beneath The Sea The Radio Laundry Quintet Noah Down The Stairs The Cigarette Laundry Finish The Dryer I Got Four Kids Caroline, There's Extra Food There Is No God, Noah Rose Stopnick Can Cook Long Distance Dotty and Caroline Moon Change Moon Trio The Bus That Can't Be Noah and Rose Inside / Outside JFK No One Waitin Night Mamma Gonna Pass Me A Law Noah, Go To Sleep Noah Has A Problem Stuart and Noah Quarter In The Bleach Cup Caroline Takes My Money Home Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw Santa Comin' Caroline Little Reward 1943 Mr. Gellman's Shirt Ooh Child Rose Recovers I Saw Three Ships The Chanukah Party Dotty and Emmie Mr. Stopnick and Emmie Kitchen Fight A Twenty Dollar Bill and Why I Hate The Bus Moon, Emmie and Stuart Trio The Twenty Dollar Bill Caroline and Noah FIght Aftermath Sunday Morning Lot's Wife Salty Teardrops Why Does Our House Have A Basement? Underwater Epilogue