Caroline or Change - Rose Stopnick Can Cook Lyrics |
Broadway Caroline, or Change the Musical - Rose Stopnick Can Cook Lyrics
GRANDMA AND GRANDPA GELLMAN: In Nineteen-Sixty-Three Our widowed son a tragedy, Tragedy married a friend From New York City a pity, a pity.
STUART: Wonderful things Come to an end. Marry a friend. Make a new start.
GRANDMA AND GRANDPA GELLMAN: Rose Stopnick can cook. Rose Stopnick is lovely. Rose Stopnick doesn?t smoke. Or play the bassoon.
CAROLINE: I'm going home, Mrs. Gellman, I don't wash the clothes.
ROSE: Please, call me Rose.
CAROLINE: I put up the shrimps, I wash the floor upstairs, I dusted the World Book Encyclopedia, I ironed the linens?
ROSE: And please take some cabbage home to your kids.
CAROLINE: Don't like the smell. Night, Mrs. Gellman.
NOAH & GRANDMA & GRANDPA GELLMAN: Rose Stopnick can cook.
STUART: Make a new start.
NOAH: Rose Stopnick is nice to me.
STUART: Make a new start.
ROSE: Noah, darling, look! You left change in your pants pockets again!
NOAH & GRANDMA & GRANDPA GELLMAN: Rose Stopnick doesn't smoke.
STUART: Marry a friend, make a new start?
NOAH: I hate her I hate her with all my heart.
Review: Caroline, or Change the Musical Songs Lyrics Caroline or Change lyrics Rose Stopnick Can Cook
Caroline, or Change the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS 16 Feet Beneath The Sea The Radio Laundry Quintet Noah Down The Stairs The Cigarette Laundry Finish The Dryer I Got Four Kids Caroline, There's Extra Food There Is No God, Noah Rose Stopnick Can Cook Long Distance Dotty and Caroline Moon Change Moon Trio The Bus That Can't Be Noah and Rose Inside / Outside JFK No One Waitin Night Mamma Gonna Pass Me A Law Noah, Go To Sleep Noah Has A Problem Stuart and Noah Quarter In The Bleach Cup Caroline Takes My Money Home Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw Santa Comin' Caroline Little Reward 1943 Mr. Gellman's Shirt Ooh Child Rose Recovers I Saw Three Ships The Chanukah Party Dotty and Emmie Mr. Stopnick and Emmie Kitchen Fight A Twenty Dollar Bill and Why I Hate The Bus Moon, Emmie and Stuart Trio The Twenty Dollar Bill Caroline and Noah FIght Aftermath Sunday Morning Lot's Wife Salty Teardrops Why Does Our House Have A Basement? Underwater Epilogue