Broadway revival (2009) A Little Night Music the Musical - Remember? Lyrics
The song is written by Stephen Sondheim.
MR. LINDQUIST: Remember?
MRS. NORDSTROM: Remember? The old deserted beach that we walked-- Remember?
MR. LINDQUIST: Remember? The cafe in the park where we talked-- Remember?
MR. LINDQUIST: The tenor on the boat that we chartered, Belching "The Bartered Bride"--
BOTH: Ah, how we laughed! Ah, how we cried!
MR. LINDQUIST: Ah, how you promised, and ah, how I lied.
MRS. NORDSTROM: That dilapidated in-- Remember, darling?
MR. LINDQUIST: The proprietess's grin, Also her glare.
MRS. NORDSTROM: Yellow gingham on the bed-- Remember, darling?
MR. LINDQUIST: And the canopy in red, Needing repair.
BOTH: I think you were there.
MRS. NORDSTROM: The local village dance on the green-- Remember?
MR. LINDQUIST: Remember? The lady with the large tambourine-- Remember?
MRS. NORDSTROM: The one who played the harp in her boa Thought she was so adept.
BOTH: Ah, how we laughed! Ah, how we wept! Ah, how we polka'd--
MRS. NORDSTROM: And ah, how we slept! How we kissed and how we clung-- Remember, darling?
MR. LINDQUIST: We were foolish, we were young--
BOTH: More than we knew.
MRS. NORDSTROM: Yellow gingham on the bed, Remember, darling? And the canopy in red--
MR. LINDQUIST: Or was it blue?
MRS. SEGSTROM: The funny little games that we played-- Remember?
MR. ERLANSEN: Remember? The unexpected knock of the maid-- Remember?
MRS. ANDERSSEN: Remember? The wine that made us both rather merry And oh so very frank--
ALL: Ah, how we laughed! Ah, how we drank!
MR. ERLANSEN: You acquiesced--
MRS. ANDERSSEN: And the rest Is a blank.
MR. LINDQUIST: What we did with your perfume--
MR. ERLANSEN: Remember, darling?
MRS. SEGSTROM: The condition of the room When we were through...
MRS. NORDSTROM: Our inventions were unique-- Remember, darling?
MR. LINDQUIST: I was limping for a week, You caught the flu.
ALL: I'm sure it
Read more: A Little Night Music Musical Lyrics Remember Lyrics from A Little Night Music the Musical
A Little Night Music the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Now Later Soon The Glamorous Life Remember? You Must Meet My Wife Liaisons In Praise Of Women Every Day A Little Death A Weekend In The Country Night Waltz 1- The Sun Won't Set Night Waltz 2 - The Sun Sits Low It Would Have Been Wonderful Perpetual Anticipation Send In The Clowns The Miller's Son Finale