Broadway Production 2015 Amazing Grace the Musical - The Auction Lyrics
"The Auction" is a song from the Broadway musical Amazing Grace performed by Josh Young (John Newton).
HAWEIS: (spoken) John, your father never let anyone else run the auctions
JOHN: (spoken) Haweis, you never get anywhere in life If you play by the rules
HAWEIS: (spoken) Bring it down
JOHN: (spoken) Gentleman! (sung) The Royal Africa Company is privileged to offer today The pick of the crop, a lifetime of work And a price you’ll be happy to pay They live to serve, this is what they're meant to be But don’t take my word, inspect them yourself I’m sure you will agree
We have a male of thirty years from the Ivory Coast Understand twelve commands, So he's smarter than most Open your mouth His teeth and gums show he survived the journey well And there's a half-year guarantee on every specimen we sell
(spoken) Where should we start? Perhaps at 30 pounds, 30 pounds 30, yes, on the side! Thank you! 30 and a crown now? 30 and a crown? Come on people, This one is strong as an ox. Thank you 32 now? Anyone? 32? 32? No? Going once, twice? Sold, 30 and a crown. Thank you, sir
HAWEIS: (spoken) Your wife will be very pleased, Mr. Helms This will make how many for you?
MR. HELMS: (spoken) Three
JOHN Every now and again We get a true two for one Twice the help for your wife Twice the work to be done Come on, dear friends What’s your money for? 40 pounds Your time is valuable (spoken) Thank you, sir
The captain is absent, But his son is in charge. Why don’t we kill the boy?
No, no one gets hurt. You wait for my signal
HAWEIS: (spoken) Something's going on. This doesn't feel right!
JOHN: (spoken) What! Everything's fine Come on, if you don’t bid now, Someone else will get her Give me 42 quid 42, here in the blue cravat? Yes sir! 44 now, I’m taking her off the block And I’m keeping her myself
HAWEIS: (spoken) I think I should fetch the captain and the militia
JOHN: (spoken) No! I can handle this. We’re doing well! I'll make more money than father ever dreamed! 44? Thank you. 46, anyone? 46? No? 46? Going once, twice? Sold, 44 pounds. Sir, congratulations
Read more: Amazing Grace the Musical Lyrics The Auction lyrics from Amazing Grace musical
Amazing Grace the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Prologue Truly Alive The Auction Someone Who Hears Voices of the Angels Rule Britannia! We are Determined Never Shadows of Innocence Expectations Welcome Song Sing on High Tell me Why A Chance for Me Nowhere Left to Run Daybreak I Still Believe Testimony I Will Remember Nothing There to Love Amazing Grace