Amazing Grace - Testimony Lyrics

Broadway Production 2015
Amazing Grace the Musical - Testimony Lyrics

"Testimony" is a song from the Broadway musical Amazing Grace performed by Josh Young (John Newton).

In a moment of truth, I have seen what I am
Like a mist on the bay, that is here and is gone
Or a dream that awakes, with the coming of dawn
So am I

But I can feel something more
Stirring deep in my soul
A burning for things I’ve neglected so long
A yearning to sing the unfinished song
Of my life

And that man that I was
I’ll cast him on the fury of the sea
Let the wind and waves
Wash away a lifetime of deceit
Then I won’t be ashamed to stand and
Proclaim I am free, I am free

There was nothing in me
That the lord should desire
For everyone knows of the life I have lead
And you can attest that my conscience was dead
In my sin

And I know in my soul
It was not in me to change
But god in his mercy has called me by name
And he’s lifted me out of the pit of my shame
And ordained
I should live

And the man that I was cast upon
The fury of the sea
Where the wind and the waves
Washed away a lifetime of deceit
Now I won’t be ashamed to stand
And proclaim I am free, I am free

And I never can repay what the lord
Forgave this day
He came for me
Came to set me free

Read more: Amazing Grace the Musical Lyrics
Josh Young Testimony Lyrics Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace the Musical Lyrics

Truly Alive
The Auction
Someone Who Hears
Voices of the Angels
Rule Britannia!
We are Determined
Shadows of Innocence
Welcome Song
Sing on High
Tell me Why
A Chance for Me
Nowhere Left to Run
I Still Believe
I Will Remember
Nothing There to Love
Amazing Grace