The Broadway Musical A Christmas Story - Sticky Situation Lyrics
NARRATOR: The exact exchange and nuance Of phrase in this ritual is very important. FLICK: You kiddin'? Stick my tongue to that stupid pole. That's dumb. SCHWARTZ: That's 'cause you know it'll stick. FLICK: You're full of it. SCHWARTZ: Oh, yeah? FLICK: Yeah. SCHWARTZ: Well, I double dog dare ya. NARRATOR: Now, it was serious. A double dog dare. What else was left, But a triple dare you And the final coup d'egras of all dares, The sinister triple dog dare? SCHWARTZ: I triple dog dare ya. Ha ha! NARRATOR: Schwartz created a slight breach of etiquette By skipping the triple dare And going right for the throat. RALPHIE: It's a sticky situation 'Cause if Flick is just full of hot air That brings a raise in expectation Now he's got no choice but doin' the dare You can't skip the standard triple For the 'triple dog dare' attack But, Schwartz himself has said it And there ain't no way of takin' it back It's a sticky, sticky, sticky situation FLICK: All right, all right. SCHWARTZ: Well, go on smart ass and do it. FLICK: I'm goin'! I'm goin'! NARRATOR: Flick's spine stiffened. His lips curled in a defiant sneer. There was no going back now. FLICK: Dis is nuffin. Deck? Deck? Deck! I'm deck! RALPHIE: Geez! It really worked! RALPHIE: Schwartz' old man was right! SCHWARTZ: Told ya! FLICK: Hey, fellas! Don't leave me. Come dack! Come dack! SCHWARTZ: What're we gonna do? RALPHIE: The bell rang. We've gotta go back in. SCHWARTZ: But, what're we gonna do? RALPHIE: We get caught this close to Christmas? No presents. No BB gun. Let's go. FLICK: Hey, don' leave me. Come dack! It's a sticky, sticky, sticky situation NARRATOR: As we bolted back to the classroom, Leaving poor Flick fastened to the flagpole, Only one lingering thought was on my mind: Will we get our theme's back today? MISS SHIELDS: Mr. Dain. Ralphie. Flick, where is Flick? Has anyone seen Flick? He was at recess, wasn't he? R-Ralphie, do you know where Flick is? NARRATOR: Flick? Flick who? KIDS: It's a sticky situation In the thick of this crazy event Should you try a lie? An explanation over Flick Might could have possibly been: He was kidnapped! He forgot his lunch He died You just sit Don't dare admit it If you're caught it might haul you to jail And in jail, they don't have Christmas And Santa doesn't answer your mail It's a sticky, sticky, sticky A sticky, sticky, sticky A sticky, sticky, sticky situation! MISS SHIELDS: I said, has anyone seen Flick? Oh, my Lord! FLICK: It's a sticky situation Oh, my gos, my tongue is to'ally numb FIREMAN, POLICEMAN AND DOCTOR: Sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky FLICK: Someone call my fam'ly doctor And could you please ask my mommy to come? DOCTOR: Hot water! FIREMAN: Hot water! POLICEMAN: Hot water! FLICK: It's a sticky, sticky, sticky situation! FIREMAN/POLICEMAN/DOCTOR: Hot water Hot water Come on, come on Hot water FLICK: Sticky, sticky Sticky, sticky Sticky, sticky Sticky, sticky KIDS: It's a sticky situation It's a sticky situation It's a sticky, sticky, sticky, Sticky, sticky, sticky, sticky ALL: It's a sticky, sticky, sticky FLICK: Ow! ALL: Sticky, sticky, sticky Ow! Sticky, sticky, sticky stituation Ow! FLICK: Oooowww!
[Thanks to Michael for lyrics]
Review: A Christmas Story the Musical Lyrics A Christmas Story Sticky Situation Lyrics, Song Sticky Situation Lyrics Christmas Story musical
A Christmas Story the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Counting Down to Christmas At Higbee's Red Ryder Counting Down to Christmas (Reprise) The Genius on Cleveland Street When You're a Wimp Ralphie to the Rescue What A Mother Does Sticky Situation A Major Award A Kid At Christmas Just Like That Up On Santa's Lap Before the Old Man Comes Home Somewhere Hovering Over Indiana Finale