The Broadway Musical A Christmas Story - Finale Lyrics
MOTHER: Oh, look, it's snowing. Turn down the lights. THE OLD MAN: Oh, would you look at that. Watch it coming down On a Christmas night When you see that snow You know That the world's all right MOTHER: All the gifts unwrapped With the house a mess But if no one cried THE OLD MAN: Or died BOTH: That's a small success Right? This year, we nearly went insane THE OLD MAN: This year, we gave up turkey for chow mein What a Christmas story to behold A crazy Christmas story to be told MOTHER: But with the kids tucked in bed The frost on the tree THE OLD MAN: What's to be said When you are here next to me BOTH: Who could want much more Our Christmas story RALPHIE AND RANDY: We were counting down Down to Christmas day RALPHIE: Thought I'd get a box Of socks That I'd throw away BOTH: But the day arrived Someone somehow knew RALPHIE: Right before my eyes Surprise My wish came true MOTHER: This year, we might not have a lot THE OLD MAN: This year, I'll tell ya one thing that we've got BOTH: What a Christmas story to behold A crazy Christmas story to be told THE OLD MAN: I'll take the cheap Christmas lights MOTHER: The slush in the street THE OLD MAN: The crowds and the lines BOTH: They make the season complete ALL: Who could ask for more This Christmas story NARRATOR: Back in those days, You never asked yourself 'do my parents love me?' It never crossed your mind. You were there. They took care of you. Their job was to raise you. Your job was to let them. When they said 'don't run with scissors', Or 'button your coat', or 'you'll shoot your eye out', Maybe even they didn't know it, But that's what it was. Love. ALL: Years may pass But still we will remember What or where we'll be Being here together this December Underneath our tree Seeing every girl and boy With our hearts so full of joy We'll throw ___ some day From far away We'll say: What a Christmas story to behold A crazy Christmas story to be told NARRATOR: That night, next to me in the darkness, Lay my cold, blue, steel beauty. The greatest Christmas gift I have ever received. You kiddin'? My Old Man... My dad gave it to me. That's why it's the best gift I would ever receive. As the excitement of the day gradually subsided, I finally drifted off to sleep, Praying of ducks on the wing And getting off spectacular hip shots. ALL: Christmas is here This calm, quiet night It comes once a year, So you hold on to it tight Who could want much more A Christmas story NARRATOR: Good night, Ralphie. Good night, all. Thanks for listening. Merry Christmas.
[Thanks to Michael for lyrics]
Review: A Christmas Story the Musical Lyrics A Christmas Story Finale
A Christmas Story the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Counting Down to Christmas At Higbee's Red Ryder Counting Down to Christmas (Reprise) The Genius on Cleveland Street When You're a Wimp Ralphie to the Rescue What A Mother Does Sticky Situation A Major Award A Kid At Christmas Just Like That Up On Santa's Lap Before the Old Man Comes Home Somewhere Hovering Over Indiana Finale