Broadway revival (2014) On the Town the Musical - Finale Lyrics
GABEY: New York, New York.
CHIP: The lights are out.
OZZIE: It's six o'clock. C'mon fella, let's get back to the ship.
HILDY: Chip!
CLAIRE: Ozzie!
IVY: Gabey!
HILDY, CLAIRE, IVY: Pitkin understood. He really understood!
(Enter three new sailors.)
THREE NEW SAILORS: New York, New York! It's a helluva town!
We've got one day here and not another minute To see the famous sights! We'll find the romance and danger waiting in it Beneath the Broadway lights,
SAILORS, GABEY, OZZIE, CHIP: But we've hair on our chest So what we like the best Are the nights. Sights! Lights! Nights!
ALL: New York, New York, a helluva town. The Bronx is up, but the Battery's down. The people ride in a hole in the groun'. New York, New York it's a helluva town!!
Read more: On the Town the Musical Lyrics Finale lyrics On the Town musical
On the Town the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS I Feel Like I'm Not Out of Bed Yet New York, New York Gabey's Comin' Miss Turnstiles Ballet Come Up to My Place Carried Away Lonely Town Carnegie Hall Pavane (Do-Do-Re-Do) I Understand I Can Cook Too Lucky to Be Me So Long, Baby I Wish I Was Dead Ya Got Me Subway Ride / Imaginary Coney Island Some Other Time The Real Coney Island Finale