The Call of Life Lyrics

1929 West End
Bitter Sweet the Musical - The Call of Life Lyrics

Music and lyrics by Noël Coward.

Your romance could not live the length of a day,
You hesitate and analyse,
Betray your love with compromise,
Till glamour fades away;
And all too soon you realize
That there is nothing left to say.

Hey, hey-hey, hey,
How does she get that way?
She'd be more light-hearted
If she started-to Charleston;
She's never danced it,
She's never chanced it;
Perhaps her muscles are disinclined,
Perhaps she hasn't the strength of mind.

Love that's true can mean naught to you but a name,
A thing that isn't part of you;
Can never touch the heart of you;
It's nothing but a game,
A fire without a flame.
We find it difficult to grasp your meaning.

Maybe the past is intervening.

We very much regret that times have changed so,
Life is more speedily arranged so.

In your world of swiftly turning wheels
Life must be extremely grey.

We've no time to waste on Love Ideals,

That which to our senses most appeals
Is all we can obey.

No-no. Not so:
There must be something further on,
A vision you can count upon,
To help you to acquire
A memory when
Youth is gone
Of what was once your heart's desire.
There is a call that echoes sweetly
When it is Spring and Love is in the air;
Whate'er befall, respond to it completely,
Though it may bring you sadness and despair;
Fling far behind you
The chains that bind you,
That love may find you In joy or strife;
Though Fate may cheat you,
And ..t you,
Your Youth must answer to the Call of Life.


Review: Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

The Call of Life
If You Could Only Come with Me
I'll See You Again
Tell Me What is Love?
The Last Dance
Life in the Morning
Ladies of the Town
If Love Were All
Evermore and a Day
Dear Little Café
Bitter Sweet Waltz
Bonne Nuit, Merci
Kiss me
Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
Alas! The Time is Past
We All Wear a Green Carnation
I'll See You Again (reprise)