Bitter Sweet Waltz Lyrics

1929 West End
Bitter Sweet the Musical - Bitter Sweet Waltz Lyrics

Music and lyrics by Noël Coward.

We wish to order wine, please,
Expressly from the Rhine, please,
The year we really don't much care.

Oh dear,
Now that you're here
Think of the wear and tear.

We hope without insistence
To overcome resistance
In all you little ladies fair.

Oh well,
How can we tell
Whether you'd really dare?

We sincerely hope it's really not a thankless
task Amusing us,
Won't you please agree?

Ah me!

You could quickly break our hearts
By everything we ask
Refusing us;
Cruel that would be,
Ladies, can't you see!
We're officers and gentlemen,
Reliable and true,
Considerate and chivalrous
In everything we do.
Though we're gay and drunk a trifle,
All our laughter we should stifle,
Were we summoned by a bugle call.
We're amorous and passionate,
But dignified and stern,
Which if you play us false you'll quickly learn.
Do not let our presence grieve you,
When we've loved you we shall leave you,
For we're officers and gentlemen, that's all!


Review: Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

The Call of Life
If You Could Only Come with Me
I'll See You Again
Tell Me What is Love?
The Last Dance
Life in the Morning
Ladies of the Town
If Love Were All
Evermore and a Day
Dear Little Café
Bitter Sweet Waltz
Bonne Nuit, Merci
Kiss me
Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
Alas! The Time is Past
We All Wear a Green Carnation
I'll See You Again (reprise)