Twelfth Night - Tell Her Lyrics

2018 Public Works musical adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy
Twelfth Night the Musical - Tell Her Lyrics

(Music & Lyrics by Shaina Taub)

I’ve only known you for three days
But I feel like it’s been years
Something about you kid
Makes me wanna pour my secrets in your ears
You’re the only one who knows my heart
So you’re perfect for this part

I want you…
I need you…
To tell her i’m her man
I know you can make her understand

I think not so, my lord.

Dear lad, believe it!
You walk in the room
And it’s like summer coming early
You open your mouth
And I feel twenty-two again
And your smile
How could she say no to that smile?
I want you…
I need you…
To tell her she’s my girl
Boy you gotta get her for my girl
I want you…

So, so - you want me?

I need you…

You sure you need me?

To tell her she’s the one
Boy you gotta go and get it done
Cause when I try to charm her
She can’t look beyond the armor
Of a noble duke too proud to be believed
But she’ll listen when you ask
Cause you don’t have that mask
Yeah you can wear your heart right on your sleeve!

I’ll do my best to woo your lady.

Prosper well in this,
And thou shalt live as freely as thy lord,
To call his fortunes thine!

I want to…
I need to…
Tell you how I feel
I can never tell you how I feel

Other Songs: Twelfth Night the Musical Songs Lyrics
song Tell Her lyrics from Twelfth Night the Musical

Twelfth Night the Musical Lyrics

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Tell Her
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