Hair Musical - Don't Put It Down Lyrics

2009 Broadway revival
Hair the Musical - Don't Put It Down Lyrics

Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
Shanti, shanti, shanti

Folding the flag means taking care of the nation.
Folding the flag means putting it to bed for the night.
I'm lost in the folds of the flag
I'm falling through a hole in the flag

It's a beautiful day in Selma, Alabama ya'll.
Don't put it down
Best one around
Crazy for the red blue and white
Crazy for the red blue and white

You look at me
What do you see
Crazy for the white red and blue
Crazy for the white red and blue

Cause I look different
You think I'm subversive
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red

My heart beats true
For the red white and blue
Crazy for the blue white and red
Crazy for the blue white and red
And yellow fringe
Crazy for the blue white red and yellow

Other Songs: Hair the Musical Lyrics

Hair the Musical Songs Lyrics

Colored Spade
Manchester England
I'm Black
Ain't Got No
I Believe In Love
Ain't Got No (Reprise)
I Got Life
Going Down
My Conviction
Easy to Be Hard
Don't Put It Down
Hare Krishna/ Be-In
Where Do I Go?
Electric Blues
Oh Great God Of Power/Manchester England (Reprise)
Black Boys
White Boys
Walking in Space
Yes I's Finished On Y'All's Farmlands
Abie Baby
Give Up All Desires/Hail Mary/Roll Call
What a Piece of Work Is Man
Good Morning Starshine
Aquarius Goodnights/Ain't Got No/Yip Up The Sun
Flesh Failures