Broadway production (1970) Company the Musical - Being Alive Lyrics
Song from Broadway musical "Company" is titled "Being Alive" and is written by Stephen Sondheim.
FRIENDS [frantically]: Bobby...Bobby...Bobby baby... Bobby bubbi...Robby...Robert darling... Bobby, we've been trying to call you. Bobby...Bobby...Bobby baby...Bobby bubbi... Angel, I've got something to tell you. Bob...Robbo...Bobby love...Bobby honey... Bobby, we've been trying to reach you all day. Bobby...Bobby...Bobby Baby...Angel...Darling... The kids were asking-- Bobby...Bobby...Robert...Robby...Bob-o... Bobby, there was something we wanted to say. The line was busy... Bobby...Bobby bubbi... Bobby fella...Bobby sweetie--
ROBERT [speaking]: Stop!...What do you get? [Sings] Someone to hold you too close, Someone to hurt you too deep, Someone to sit in your chair, To ruin your sleep.
PAUL: That's true, but there's more to it than that. SARAH: Is that all you think there is to it? HARRY: You've got so many reasons for not being with someone, but Robert, you haven't got one good reason for being alone. LARRY: Come on, you're on to something, Bobby. You're on to something.
ROBERT: Someone to need you too much, Someone to know you too well, Someone to pull you up short And put you through hell.
DAVID: You see what you look for, you know. JOANNE: You're not a kid anymore, Robby. I don't think you'll ever be a kid again, kiddo. PETER: Hey, buddy, don't be afraid it won't be perfect. The only thing to be afraid of really is that it won't be. JENNY: Don't stop now. Keep going.
ROBERT: Someone you have to let in, Someone whose feelings you spare, Someone who, like it or not, Will want you to share A little, a lot.
SUSAN: And what does all that mean? LARRY: Robert, how do you know so much about it when you've never been there? HARRY: It's much better living it than looking at it, Robert. PETER: Add 'em up, Bobby. Add 'em up.
ROBERT: Someone to crowd you with love, Someone to force you to care, Someone to make you come through, Who'll always be there, As frightened as you Of being alive, Being alive, Being alive, Being alive.
AMY: Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. *Want* something! Want *something*!
ROBERT: Somebody, hold me too close, Somebody, hurt me too deep, Somebody, sit in my chair And ruin my sleep And make me aware Of being alive, Being alive.
Somebody, need me too much, Somebody, know me too well, Somebody, pull me up short And put me through hell And give me support For being alive, Make me alive.
Make me confused, Mock me with praise, Let me be used, Vary my days. But alone is alone, not alive.
Somebody, crowd me with love, Somebody, force me to care, Somebody, make me come through, I'll always be there, As frightened as you, To help us survive Being alive, Being alive, Being alive!
Review: Company the Musical Lyrics Being Alive Lyrics Company the musical
Company the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Company The Little Things You Do Together Sorry-Grateful You Could Drive a Person Crazy Have I Got A Girl for You Someone Is Waiting Another Hundred People Getting Married Today Marry Me a Little Side by Side by Side / What Would We Do Without You? Poor Baby Barcelona The Ladies Who Lunch Being Alive Finale