Broadway revival (2014) Side Show the Musical - Come Look At The Freaks Lyrics
Company: Come look at the freaks Come gape at the geeks Come examine these aberrations Their malformations Grotesque physiques Only pennies for peeks Come look at the freaks Come look at the freaks They'll haunt you for weeks Come explore why they fascinate you Exasperate you And flush your cheeks Come hear how love speaks Come look at the freaks
The Boss: Ladies and gentlemen Step right up Right this way There is no wait We don't waste your time So little to pay Just one thin dime Gains you admission To my odditorium Never have you seen A comparable emporium Of wonders under one tent Your dime could not be better spent Come see a curious gal The Bearded Lady See a man Turned into a reptile As punishment for his sins Come hear the haunting song Of the Siamese twins Come see our elegant geek Refined but deadly Chicken necks delight his incisors Their heads decorate the mud His favorite cocktail drink? It's warm chicken blood! From the barren desert Of the heathen camel trade For our gentlemen friends The seraglio of a Hashemite sheik His harem was freed And we have found it quite unique For these girls are virgins still Had I arrived but an hour late That old sheik would have had his fill
All: Come see God's mistakes The freaks God forsakes Take a look at the monster babies Dog men with rabies A bride of snakes
The Boss: And we don't harbor fakes
All: Come see God's mistakes
The Boss: From the inky jungles Of the darkest continent You will witness first hand The ferocity of the Cannibal King We keep him chained up Because we know he's hankering From a taste of one of you And you are here for enlightenment Not as stock for cannibal stew Come look at the freaks Come gape at the geeks Come examine these aberrations Their malformations Grotesque physiques Only pennies for peeks
Attractions: Come inside Curiosity satisfied Come! See the underside Inside!
The Boss: Won't you please forgive me If I seem emotional For the stars of our show I am speaking of course Of the Siamese twins I adopted these girls And gave them moral disciplines Taught them standards Right from wrong I nurtured their musicality Let them charm you with their song
Daisy & Violet: Ah, ah, ah...
The Boss: Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Right this way! See the freaks! They are here! They are real They are all alive! Inside!
Buddy: This way, Mr. Conner. Over here.
Terry: Where are we going?
Buddy: To a showing of the Siamese twins
Terry: Siamese twins?
Buddy: I want you to hear them sing
Terry: Siamese twins?
Buddy: We're just in time Let's go inside
Terry: Is this some kind of joke?
Buddy: Not at all
Terry: Good. Because I'm a very busy man
Buddy: You won't be disappointed This could pay off big For both of us
Terry: How?
Buddy: First you have to see them
Terry: I don't like this place.
Buddy: But we're here We might as well stay I'll even pay
Terry: Ok, I'll help you spend your hard earned dough But this is not my kind of show
The Boss: Let me delay your fright The attractions don't bite Come inside
The Boss takes Buddy and Terry into the sideshow tent and they view the attractions - A sheik with 3 harem girls, a chicken-eating geek, a fortune teller, a bearded lady, a fakir with a snake girl, a reptile man, the odd 6th exhibit, Dolly Dimples, and the Cannibal King.
The Boss: Train the savage! Ladies and gentlemen, there is no cause for alarm! The Cannibal King has been subdued and is under our control! There is nothing to fear! Please remain in your seats! To experience our premiere attraction in its most revealing display. Scientists believe that Siamese twins come from the same life. And that their complete separation was retarded in some way. Perhaps while pregnant their mother witnessed dogs stuck together copulating They're called Siamese because Chang and Eng, the first widely known specimans, came from Siam. Siamese twins share everything. Yet remain completely separate in their minds, bodily functions and presumebly their souls. But enough about science. Sing girls, sing!
Daisy & Violet: Ah, ah, ah...
The Boss: Come look at the freaks
Attractions: Come inside
The Boss: Come gape at the geeks
Attractions: Curiosity satisfied
All: Come examine these aberrations Their malformations Grotesque physiques Only pennies for peeks Come look at the freaks!
Buddy: I'm dying to know what you think!
Terry: I'm intrigued.
Buddy: Great!
Terry: Why did you bring me here?
Buddy: Those twins They have something
Terry: Something I'll never forget
Buddy: I can help them create an act And you could get them to vaudeville
Terry: What kind of act?
Buddy: Singing Siamese twins
Terry: You call that singing?
Buddy: Not exactly, but I could teach them. Look what I did with the Nubian Nightengale.
Terry: She needed help.
Buddy: I could really help the girls Teach them to sing Maybe to dance
Terry: Dance? Boy, you sure don't lack confidence.
Buddy: I like a challenge. You wouldn't believe some of the acts I've helped.
Terry: Yeah, I know. You're very ambitious, for an usher.
Buddy: But I can do a lot more And you can give me my break
Terry: But those twins!
Buddy: Exactly
Terry: Well I have to admit There's something those girls
Buddy: Let's meet them.
Terry: Ok.
Buddy: Great! But there is one problem.
Terry: One?
Buddy: The owner. He keeps them under lock and key.
Terry: Leave him to me.
Buddy: Gladly.
Terry: And if we get to meet them, let me do the talking.
Buddy: Whatever you say
The Boss: That was our last show today But would you gentlemen like to see more?
Terry: More?
The Boss: More of the Siamese twins They might be convinced to display their connection Up close and private for a small consideration
Terry: Consideration?
The Boss: Two bucks for ten minutes Total exposure of the fleshy link No touching. You're in for the experience of a lifetime Right this way.
Meanwhile, the sideshow attractions celebrate the twins birthday...
Geek: Attention Ladies and gentlemen Your attention please The Cannibal King Who, being the only royalty around
Bearded Lady: Says who?
Geek: His poster! His billing says he's a king.
Bearded Lady: Mine says I'm a lady.
Reptile Man: Well they have to call you something.
Geek: As I was saying... The Cannibal King wishes to make a proclamation All Hail the Cannibal King
Jake: I, being the only available king Hereby declare today a holiday To honor the most beautiful maidens in the land On the birthday they share Along with everything else Including our love
All: Happy birthday to you and to you Here's a big happy birthday times two Happy birthday from the whole damned crew Happy birthday to you and to you
Boss: Ok, ok, party's over. The twins have a private appointment
Geek: But it's their birthday!
The Boss: Says who?
Fortune Teller: We've always had a little celebration...
The Boss: I'm trying to run a business here! We've got a customer who wants a private show And the customer's always right The rest of you out of my sight!
Jake: Boss, the day's receipts are in the tin And I got you a brand new bottle of gin
The Boss: Good. You stay here Jake. Mister, you've got ten minutes!
Daisy: Happy birthday.
Violet: Happy birthday.
Terry: Wait. You don't have to show me anything, I just want to talk.
Jake: You made a deal to look, not talk.
Terry: Here, I'll give you all the cash I've got on me.
Jake: Mister, I like money as much as anybody But in this depression, I like my job even more
Terry: They have nothing to fear from me.
Jake: Good. Because even more than my job I like these girls
Terry: Well then you'll like what I can do for them. I only want a few minutes of private conversation.
Jake: If the boss come back...
Terry: Over there. You can keep an eye out for him and an eye on me at the same time.
Daisy: He seems ok, Jake
Violet: You'll be near by
Jake: I don't like this
Violet: For me, Jake?
Jake: I can't say no to you
Daisy: Who are you?
Terry: Name's Terry Connor I have business to discuss
Violet: Are you sure you mean with us?
Terry: Yes. And let me assure you I have honorable aims But first, what are your names?
Daisy: I'm Daisy
Violet: I'm Violet
Daisy & Violet: We're Siamese Twins
Terry: So I've noticed. What's that like?
Daisy: What's it like being handsome?
Violet: Stop it, you're being rude!
Daisy: Am not!
Terry: I was rude to ask.
Violet: Everyone does.
Terry: But you must be very similar, right? I'm sorry, which one is who?
Daisy: I'm Daisy
Violet: I'm Violet
Daisy & Violet: We're nothing alike
Violet: I'm to your right as you watch our show
Daisy: She thinks she's always right Not so I'm Daisy
Violet: I'm Violet
Daisy & Violet: What else would you like to know
Terry: Who makes the most decisions?
Daisy: I do.
Violet: I do.
Daisy and Violet: We both make our own decisions
Terry: There must be times you don't agree
Daisy: Not me
Violet: Not me
Terry: Or times you want to be alone?
Violet: Then we close a door inside and hide
Terry: Where?
Violet: In a secret place we know Where nobody else can go
Terry: How?
Daisy: Haven't you ever been in conversation And your mind drifted somewhere else?
Violet: Or been in a room surrounded by people And yet, felt a million miles away?
Terry: I guess I have.
Daisy: Well, that's where we go When we want to be alone
Violet: We could go there right now If you wanted us to
Daisy: But we'd rather stay with you
Terry: I was taken by your singing You have talent Potential to do much more
Daisy: But we're freaks.
Terry: You are unusual Exotic, different, unique But my time's almost up So will you allow one question more? What are your dreams? What are you longing for?
Read more: Side Show the Musical Lyrics Come Look At The Freaks lyrics Side Show
Side Show the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Come Look At The Freaks Like Everyone Else You Deserve A Better Life Crazy, Deaf and Blind The Devil You Know More Than We Bargained For Feelings You've Got To Hide When I'm By Your Side Say Goodbye To The Freak Show Overnight Sensation Leave Me Alone We Share Everything The Interview Who Will Love Me As I Am? Rare Songbirds On Display New Year's Day Private Conversation One Plus One Equals Three You Should Be Loved Tunnel Of Love Beautiful Day For A Wedding Marry Me, Terry I Will Never Leave You Finale