Broadway revival (2015) On the Twentieth Century the Musical - Repent Lyrics
LETITIA PRIMROSE On the Twentieth Century On the Twentieth Century As in flight across the night, America the Beautiful rolls by. All those windows; All those people; All those lives. Across the land, in every home, In humble hut or pleasure dome, I know there’s dirty doings going on. The man who seeks the fancy whore, The boy who locks the bathroom door, Ah yes. I know. There’s dirty doings going on. And I must spread the word. And save you from your fate. You must mend your ways Before it is too late! Repent, repent, repent! Stop those dirty little doings, Every man and boy and wife. Repent, repent, repent! Stop those wicked little wooings That are screwing up your life. Walk the narrow path, my friends And keep your thinking pure. Try to lift your mind, my friends, A notch above the sewer. Repent, repent, repent! Reform, reform, reform! Take a nice, Icy shower when you’re feeling warm. In every town we’re passing through, Beneath a bush, inside the zoo. I know there’s dirty doings going on. The devil tempts us every day, The backseat of a Chevrolet, Could be the place with Dirty doings going on. So heed this simple rule To save you from your doom Do only what you’d do With mother in the room. Repent! Repent! Repent! In the fiery pits of Hades, It’s too late for your laments. Repent! Repent! Repent! There’s a fiery pit for ladies And a fiery pit for Gents. Now’s the time to choose my friends, The afterlife you’ll fit. Waltzing on a cloud, my friends, Or turning on a spit. Repent! Repent! Repent! And join the angel band! Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent for the time is at hand! I know there’s dirty doings going on. I know there’s dirty doings going on And on… Like you I once was wild. Men shouted, “Oh you kid” A life of shame I led And dirty doings did. Until one night I saw the light And heard salvation’s call. (mimics)Ta da da da da da da da da da… I’m so glad I didn’t hear it Until I’d done it all. Repent though sinning may seem swell Repent! Recant! Return! Renounce! Repent or go to hell!
Read more: On the Twentieth Century the Musical Songs Lyrics Repent Lyrics On the Twentieth Century
On the Twentieth Century the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Stranded Again Saddle Up the Horse On the Twentieth Century I Rise Again Indian Maiden's Lament Veronique I Have Written a Play Together Never Our Private World Repent Mine I've Got it All On the Twentieth Century (reprise) Life is Like a Train I Have Written a Play (reprise 1) Five Zeros I Have Written a Play (reprise 2) Sextet She's a Nut Max Jacobs Babbette The Legacy Lily, Oscar Finale