2007 American children's musical Magic Tree House the Musical - The Dance Lyrics
ANNIE This isn’t scary.
JACK No, it’s beautiful.
ANNIE Why do you think everybody’s so afraid of it?
JACK I don’t know. Maybe the people who live here spread rumors about monsters and stuff just to keep everyone else away.
ANNIE I guess...
JACK Shh! Listen!
ANNIE Cool music. Where’s it coming from?
JACK I don’t know. Kinda makes you feel like dancing, though, doesn’t it?
ANNIE Yeah, it does!
JACK Look! There’s a bunch of people dancing down there!
ANNIE Oh, yeah, I see them.
JACK Wow, this is fun!
ANNIE Look at you!
JACK I’m going to join the dance!
ANNIE Jack, you never dance!
JACK I don’t care! I’m going to join those dancers!
ANNIE Really? What about Morgan? And everybody back at Camelot?
JACK They can wait.
JACK Hey! You always say I’m too careful! That I think about stuff, and plan, and worry too much, right?
ANNIE Well --
JACK Didn’t you just say I should jump into things?
ANNIE Yeah, but --
JACK Well, watch me, Annie! I’m jumping!
ANNIE Jaaaaack!!!!!
JACK Annie! Come on! This is really fun!
ANNIE Jack, stop! We don’t have time to dance!
JACK Sure we do! It’s fun! It’s fun! It’s fun!
SIR PERCIVAL Help us....
SIR LANCELOT Can’t stop....
SIR GALAHAD So tired....
ANNIE Oh, no! King Arthur’s knights!
JACK Yes! Nights and days! Days and nights! And fun! Fun! Fun! Come on!
JACK What’s the matter with you? Why’d you tackle me? I’ve got to get back to the dance!
ANNIE Jack, look! King Arthur’s three knights! They’re caught in the dance!
JACK Really?
ANNIE The dancers must be the Keepers of the Cauldron! Remember? “Beyond the Iron Gate, the Keepers of the Cauldron wait...”?
JACK No...
ANNIE Yes! It’s a trap! It looks like fun at first, but people dance forever. They can’t break free!
JACK But how come you didn’t get caught in the dance?
ANNIE I don’t know, I guess I was just Too worried about Morgan and our mission.
JACK What can we do?
ANNIE We have to go into the circle together. You break in beside the knight in blue and dance beside him while I break in beside the knight in green.
JACK I -- I think that’s Sir Lancelot!
ANNIE Whoever! I’ll grab his hand. Then when I yell, we both pull as hard as we can.
JACK What if I start to get caught in the music again?
ANNIE You won’t! Just remember why we’re here! Think “Morgan! Arthur! Camelot!”
JACK Right. Okay. Morgan. Arthur. Camelot. Morgan. Arthur. Camelot. Let’s go!
JACK AND ANNIE Morgan! Arthur! Camelot! Morgan! Arthur! Camelot! Morgan! Arthur! Camelot! Morgan! Arthur! Camelot! Morgan! Arthur! Camelot!
Other Songs: Magic Tree House the Musical Songs Lyrics
Magic Tree House the Musical Lyrics
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