Broadway Production (2014) Bridges of Madison County the Musical - Home Before You Know It Lyrics
(Music & lyrics by Jason Robert Brown - Home Before You Know It Lyrics)
BUD Fran, you know the drill. Now, look, if anything goes wrong - I know you think it never will, But if it does, They know next door You're here alone.
Now Fran, you're free and clear, We got the fences fixed already, So while we're out with the steer, You should be fine. And if you're not, Pick up the phone.
You know there's room for you to come, Although, I take it back, there's not. We got the cow, we got the kids, And then the tent, which I forgot. We better get out on the road Before the trailer gets too hot,
But we'll be home before you know. We'll be home before you notice that we're gone. Three days isn't very long, And so if anything goes wrong, Just hold on tight - The end's in sight - And we'll be home.
BUD MICHAEL What? I'm gonna drive! I do not think so, Michael. Last year, you said When I was sixteen, I could drive… And I'm sixteen! Right now I am talking to You gonna go back on Your mother! your Word? Come on! I drive Michael, get the lunch! Better'n you. What did I say? I tell you now - Go get the Lunch! I won't be squeezin' in the middle Jesus! I'm not squeezin' in the middle!
BUD MICHAEL I've got to move it out right now I don't have time to sit and wait, How 'bout if I just We get a worse spot in the stall Drive the last mile? For every minute that we're late! So we can come in that And I can see by how you're lookin' Fair in style? That you think it's really great Oh! That we'll be home before you know it. I can't believe this. We'll be home And then I won't do this again. Year sure, you're laughin' at me now, When I got two kids and a cow I gotta show We gotta go Then we'll be home.
FRANCESCA Sweetheart, it's Mom.
CARLOYN Why does he have to be a jerk?
FRANCESCA I'm sorry you got upset with Dad, but you've worked so hard with Steve. All you have to do now is go to Indianapolis… so he can win Steer of the Year.
CAROLYN Why do you have to sound like him? Why do you have to say what he says? You don't care about the farm.
FRANCESCA Carolyn. This could be your college education right here.
CAROLYN You should have made him stay in Italy Then I could be Italian And you could be happy And I wouldn't have to marry a farmer.
FRANCESCA You don't have to marry a farmer.
CAROLYN Nobody asks me what I want!
BUD Carolyn!
CAROLYN Ti amo, mama. Coming!
BUD You'll be OK here, right?
FRANCESCA I've got a book I want to read, I've got new recipes to try, Or I might just spend 3 days sitting here and staring at the sky, But I can't get out of this kitchen 'till you finally say goodbye, And you'll be home before I know it.
BUD Ok then, we'll see you Thursday.
FRANCESCA You'll be home before I notice that you're gone.
BUD We'll call from the road. All right, here we go!
FRANCESCA You'll be home before I know it.
Review: Bridges of Madison County the Musical Lyrics Jason Robert Brown lyrics Home Before You Know It Bridges of Madison County
Bridges of Madison County the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS To Build a Home Home Before You Know It Temporarily Lost What Do You Call a Man Like That? You're Never Alone Another Life Wondering Look at Me The World Inside a Frame Something from a Dream Get Closer Falling into You State Road 21 Who We Are and Who We Want to Be Almost Real Before and After You One Second and a Million Miles When I'm Gone It All Fades Away Always Better