Tell Me What is Love? Lyrics

1929 West End
Bitter Sweet the Musical - Tell Me What is Love? Lyrics

Music and lyrics by Noël Coward.

Play something gay for me,
Play for me, play for me;
Set me free,
I'm in a trance tonight,
Can't you see
How I want to dance tonight?
Madly my heart is beating,
Some insane melody possessing me,
In my brain thrilling and obsessing me;
How can I leave it to call in vain?
Is it joy or pain?
Live your life, for time is fleeting,
Some insistent voice repeating;
Hear me-hear me,
How can I leave it to call in vain?
Is it joy or pain?
Tell me-tell me-tell me, what is love?
Is it some consuming flame;
Part of the moon, part of the sun,
Part of a dream barely begun?
When is the moment of breaking-waking?
Skies change, nothing is the same,
Some strange magic is to blame;
Voices that seem to echo round me and above,
Tell me, what is love, love, love?
Play something gay for me,
Play for me-play for me;
Tell me why Spring has so enchanted me;
Why this shy Passion has been granted me;
Am I awake or dreaming?
Far and near
Every lover follows you,
Swift and clear,
Flying as the swallows do;
Leave me no longer to call in vain,
Are you joy or pain?
Leave me not by love forsaken,
If I sleep, then let me waken;
Hear me-hear me,
Leave me no longer to call in vain
Are you joy or pain?


Review: Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

Bitter Sweet the Musical Lyrics

The Call of Life
If You Could Only Come with Me
I'll See You Again
Tell Me What is Love?
The Last Dance
Life in the Morning
Ladies of the Town
If Love Were All
Evermore and a Day
Dear Little Café
Bitter Sweet Waltz
Bonne Nuit, Merci
Kiss me
Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay
Alas! The Time is Past
We All Wear a Green Carnation
I'll See You Again (reprise)