2024 Broadway Suffs the Musical - Hold It Together Lyrics
The song is written by Shaina Taub.
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) Inmates! This is my prison mess hall. You will sit down, Shut up and eat your food.
ALICE: (spoken) But matron, We’re political prisoners And we refuse / to
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) Guards, if one-a these girls says Another damn word, Knock her teeth out. Now, eat your food.
ALICE: (spoken) Don’t touch the food
LUCY: (spoken) But - when will we eat?
ALICE: (spoken) Not til they release us
DORIS: (spoken) What?
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) Quiet! Eat your food
ALICE: (spoken) Hunger strike!
LUCY: (spoken) Strike!
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) Guards!
MRS. HERNDON ALICE, RUZA, DORIS, LUCY: (spoken) Guards, shut them up! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike!
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) You won’t last the night
ALICE: Hold it together, See it through Don’t let despair get the best of you
ALICE, RUZA, DORIS, LUCY: Push down the pain, Thicken your skin Hold it together, Never give in
CARRIE: God bless our great republic God bless our grand old flag God bless the land Of freedom we hold dear Let mother serve We’re here to help the war We’ll conserve our food To feed our soldiers Even more cuz the kitchen Is the key to u.S. Victory So mister, Won’t you please let mother serve? (spoken) We will now take a recess for tea.
MOLLIE: (spoken) Are you alright?
CARRIE: (spoken) I just need air, I’m fine, I’m fine.
MOLLIE: Perhaps the problem’s With your spine
CARRIE: Mollie, would you stop it? If we fall in line about the war, You’ll see We’ll get the president To finally hear our case, So please drop it
MOLLIE: But the carrie I know would never condone This carnage
CARRIE: If you don’t like it, Go join Alice Paul in jail
MOLLIE: (spoken) Is this about besting Alice Paul Or winning the vote? (singing) Which do you care about more? What a coward you’ve become (spoken) Fight your own war
CARRIE: Hold it together, See it through
CARRIE & ALICE: Don’t let your rage get the best of you
CARRIE, ALICE, LUCY, DORIS, RUZA, MOLLIE: Push down the pain, Thicken your skin Hold it together, Never give in
ALICE: (spoken) Ruza, no! Stay strong for Inez.
RUZA: (spoken) Get her name out of your mouth. Was killing her not enough for you?
LUCY: (spoken) How dare you say that to her.
ALICE: (spoken) What matters is Inez kept fighting, Even though she was tired And sick so we owe it To her to do the same.
DORIS: (spoken) Alice, it’s been a week - I’m losing my mind.
ALICE: (spoken) Don’t worry, Wilson will be shamed into a pardon As soon as word gets out He’s letting women die of starvation.
LUCY: (spoken) How comforting.
RUZA: (spoken) From the moment we met, You’ve promised me We would burn him down.
ALICE: (spoken) We will, we -
RUZA: (spoken) But it is five years later, He is still in power, Our friend is dead And now we are dying in prison.
LUCY: (spoken) Let’s all just -
RUZA: (spoken) Why do you still follow her?
DORIS: (spoken) I don’t know what else to do!
LUCY: (spoken) She’s my best friend.
ALICE, LUCY, RUZA, DORIS: Why are you fighting me? I am not the enemy
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) That’s enough! Guards, take ‘em away! ‘Cept you, stay put - Your husband is here
DORIS: (spoken) Husband?
DUDLEY Good god, what have they done To you, miss stevens? (spoken) I mean - Mrs. Malone.
DORIS: (spoken) Hello... darling.
DUDLEY: I am here on behalf Of the chief of police The president has ordered My wife’s immediate release
MRS. HERNDON: (spoken) She’s all yours, sir. (singings) See if you can beat some sense into her.
DORIS: Congratulations on your new job
DUDLEY: (spoken) What?
DORIS: (spoken) You’re a suff now. Let’s get moving.
DUDLEY: (spoken) Yes sir- ma’am - Yes I am
ALICE, LUCY, RUZA, CARRIE, MOLLIE, IDA, MARY: Hold it together, See it through don’t Let the bastards intimidate You push down the pain, Thicken your skin
ALICE: Hold it together
CARRIE: Hold it together
IDA: Never give in
Review: Suffs the Musical Lyrics
Suffs the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Let Mother Vote Finish the Fight Find A Way Wait My Turn Terrell’s Theme The March (We Demand Equality) Great American Bitch Ladies Worth It If We Were Married The Convention Part 1 This Girl The Convention Part 2 Alva Belmont Show Them Who You Are The Campaign How Long? The Young Are At The Gates Respectfully Yours, Dudley Malone Hold It Together Wait My Turn (reprise) The Report Show Them Who You Are (reprise) Insane Fire & Tea Let Mother Vote (reprise) She and I A Letter From Harry’s Mother I Was Here If We Were Married (reprise) Lucy’s Song Finish the Fight (reprise) Keep Marching