Nativity The Musical is a stage musical written and directed by Debbie Isitt (co composed by Nicky Ager), based on Isitt's 2009 film of the same name (part of the Nativity film series). The musical follows a Coventry based primary school, St Bernadette's, where teacher Mr Maddens and his assistant, Mr Poppy mount a musical version of the nativity with the students, promising it will be adapted into a Hollywood movie.
2017 Stage Musical Nativity! the Musical Songs with Lyrics
Act I
1. Going For The Big Time 2. Five Star Review/Better Than You 3. Very First Day Of School 4. Hollywood Are Coming 5. Wrapped In A Rainbow 6. Our School Nativity 7. The Lord Mayor's Ball 8. Dear Father Christmas 9. Hollywood We're Coming/Sparkle and Shine
Act II
1. Welcome To Hollywood 2. Jennifer's Request 3. Herod The Rock Opera 4. Suddenly 5. Our School Nativity (Reprise) 6. Cathedral Ruins 7. Nazareth Lyrics 8. One Look Lyrics 9. Good News Lyrics 10. Sparkle And Shine Lyrics 11. She's The Brightest Star Lyrics 12. Suddenly (Reprise) 13. One Night, One Moment Lyrics 14. Finale: Sparkle And Shine Lyrics
Lyrics by Debbie Isitt