Daddy Long Legs - Things I Didn't Know Lyrics

Off-Broadway Production
Daddy Long Legs the Musical - Things I Didn't Know Lyrics

"Things I Didn't Know" is a song from musical 'Daddy Long Legs' performed by Megan McGinnis (Jerusha) and Paul Alexander Nolan.

I didn't know that Henry the eighth was married more
Than once or Shelly was a poet.
I didn't know Alexander the Great had conquered most of Greece,
Or people came from monkeys.
I didn't know that the garden of eden was all just a beautiful myth.
I never read Great Expectations,
Summer on the Lake, Euripides Electra.
I never met the two nobel kinsmen,
Or ever came across The Merry Wives of Windsor.
I always feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland stranded in Vanity Fair.
Once upon a time, Oh Captian, My Captain!
I'm so many years behind.
I'm still so many years behind.
I did'nt know that she'd be so clever.
I never dreamed of such imagination.
I never read thoughts so expresive.
I really must re-read he Count of Monty Christo.
What am I thinking?
I'm missing the appointments
To read what shes studdied in French.
I'm baffeled.
I'm perplexed.
Oh Captian, My Captian!
I Really must get back to work.
I wonder what she'll write me next?
I'd never heard of Meg, Jo, Beth, or Amy.
I'd never been to Dover Beach.
Or heard the phrase, "
A man's reach should exceed his grasp".
I feel like the idiot, or the toilers of the sea.
Oh Captian, My Captian!
All the world is verse to me.
A lady with a lamp i see.
I'd never heard the moonlight sonata,
A Chopin Polonaise, a Brandenburg Concerto.
I did'nt know that Lily and Russel triumphed on the stage,
Or Mone was a painter.
And, you may laugh at me,
I thought George Elliot was without question a man.
I'm opening my mind.
Oh Captain, My Captian!
I'm so many years behind.
I'm still so many years behind.
Now Daddy I must sleep, but I will think of you.
For Daddy know there is still much catching up to do.

[Thanks to Eve for corrections]


Review: Daddy Long Legs the Musical Lyrics
Things I Didn't Know lyrics from Daddy Long Legs

Daddy Long Legs the Musical Lyrics

The Oldest Orphan In the John Grier Home
Who Is This Man?
Mr. Girl Hater
She Thinks I'm Old
Like Other Girls
Things I Didn't Know
What Does She Mean by Love?
I'm a Beast
When Shall We Meet?
The Color of Your Eyes
The Secret of Happiness
My Manhattan
I Couldn't Know Someone Less
The Man I'll Never Be
The Secret of Happiness (Reprise)
Graduation Day
I Have Torn You from My Heart
I'm a Beast (Reprise)
All This Time