War Paint the Musical - Pink Lyrics |
Broadway 2017 WAR PAINT the Musical - Pink Lyrics
"Pink" is a song from WAR PAINT the musical performed by Christine Ebersole as Elizabeth Arden.
ELIZABETH ARDEN (speaking): Is that all I'm worth to them? A color?
(singing) Pink Is that my only claim to fame? Pink My shot at permanent acclaim Pink My legend branded with a rose Immortalized in Posy Pink
On Mamie Eisenhower's Lips Pink On Mrs. Astor's roots and tips Pink The boxes packaged with a bow That cost more than the lotion
Pink That flush of ardor in a man's embrace My would be baby with a rosy face And rabbits from the test Who perished for a nursery converted to a guest room Dressed in Pink
With an enormous princess bed Pink The cherubs painted overhead in Pink Coral Pink Just Pink.
(spoken) The undersigned hereby agrees to licence her likeness and trademark color...
(singing) When I was just a farm girl in Ontario Could anyone have known how far I'd climb? A multi-millionairess not so long ago The derby winning cover-girl of Time
A confident to presidents and royalty Her generation's connoisseur of style In years to come I wonder how they'll picture me A legend, or some aging erstwhile juvenile in Pink
Still the eternal debutante Pink The only shred of me they want Pink My one accomplishment to last When I'm put out to pasture
Pink Pink Oh is pink My shoes my furniture my clothes My life, la vie en rose, oh Pink The glint of sunrise on a frozen pond The glow of twilight through the dark beyond The pink rinse of my coif Reclining on the matching satin lining of my coffin Swathed in Pink
My life's work withered on the vine Pink All for a document to sign In Pink ink.
Fuchsia pink.
Persian pink.
Peachy pink.
Mocha pink, timeless pink, story pink, fabled pink, glory pink, label pink.
Arden Pink.
(speaking) Well I never even liked the color.
[Thanks to Hunter Hawkins for lyrics]
War Paint the Musical Pink Lyrics
Other Album Songs: War Paint the Musical Songs Pink lyrics from War Paint the Musical