2016 Off-Broadway Ride the Cyclone the Musical - Meet Jane Doe Lyrics
The song is written by Jacob Richmond and Brooke Maxwell.
CONSTANCE: (spoken) I'm so happy right now, I can never come down!
JANE DOE: My turn
CONSTANCE: Aw man...
KARNAK: (spoken) Jane Doe, the one unidentified body Of The Cyclone Roller Coaster Disaster. Everyone knew everyone in Uranium, But no one could recall This member of the choir. There were rumors Of a girl who joined at the last minute, But as the choir conductor, Father Marcus, Died of a heart attack seven hours After the accident, Therе was no one left to verify. Somе believe that perhaps She was never in the choir at all. I never read her fortune. I sadly cannot tell you. All one knows for certain Is that a body was found In a Saint Cassian uniform without a head. So... a mystery
Review: Ride the Cyclone the Musical Lyrics
Ride the Cyclone the Musical Lyrics
SYNOPSIS Karnak's Dream of Life Welcome The Uranium Suite Jane Doe's Entrance What the World Needs Meet Noel Gruber Noel's Lament Every Story's Got a Lesson This Song Is Awesome Meet Ricky Potts Meet Jane Doe The Ballad of Jane Doe The New Birthday Song Jawbreaker Sugar Cloud Still Here? Be Safe, Be Good (For Rachel) A World Inside