Happy Hunting - A New Fangled Tango Lyrics

Lost Broadway 1956-1957: Broadway's Forgotten Musicals
Happy Hunting the Musical - A New Fangled Tango Lyrics

We got a new-fangled tango
And there's nothing to it
You just sort of stand there
And just sort of do it

You stand close together
There's no wasted motion
A new fangled tango
An old fashioned motion

The floor may be crowded
But that doesn't matter
It's not necessary to move
Don't move, why move

It may be crowded
But that's all the better
It's just like romancing, while dancing
Who's dancin'

You start off with one step
And cling to each other
And you know how one step
Can lead to another

Oh, there's nothing wrong with
A waltz or fandango
But oh, what can come from
A new fangled tango

You cling to your partner
And sway to the rhythm
You can't lose your partner
'Cause you're right there with him

You don't have to be worry
About fast or slow steps
The nice part about it
In this dance, you don't need steps

You don't have to worry
If your dancing won't do
It's not what you do do
It's more what you don't do

You don't need a waltz
Or a fancy fandango
You just need a man
And a new fangled tango

Forget the fandango
Give up the mambo
Do the tango

Other Songs: Old Musicals Songs
Happy Hunting the Musical A New Fangled Tango Lyrics

Broadway's Forgotten Musicals Songs

I've Got Five Dollars
A Man Of My Type
Your Two Soft Arms Embrace Me
Gee, But It's Good to Be Here
Happy Hunting
Ain't It the Truth
Leave de Atom Alone
Toujours Gai
A Woman Wouldn't Be a Woman
Glitter and Be Gay
Make Our Garden Grow
Too Close for Comfort
A New Fangled Tango
Mutual Admiration Society
I'm a Funny Dame
It Must Be So
Coconut Sweet
Push de Button
Take It Slow, Joe