Jet Set Go! is a British musical comedy written by Jake Brunger and Pippa Cleary, with Brunger writing book and lyrics and Cleary writing music and lyrics.
PLOT Jet Set Go! is about a transatlantic cabin crew and their two pilots who fly to New York and back. The musical follows their antics and adventures both on board the plane and as they take on Manhattan for a one-night stopover. The musical was inspired by Brunger staying in the same hotel in New York as the Virgin Atlantic cabin crew.
2008 British musical Jet Set Go! the Musical Songs
1. Welcome Aboard - Company 2. What Do You Actually Do? - Hayley, Melanie, Ryan, Julia 3. The Pilot Song - Jim with Paul, Melanie and Julia 4. 24 Things in 24 Hours - Company 5. You Drive Me Crazy - Richard and Ryan 6. Dance with Me - Paul with Melanie 7. If I Could Find a Boy - Richard 8. Salsa - Julia 9. Cabin Fever - Nicola with Company 10. If I Could a Boy (reprise) - Ryan 11. Going Home - Nicola with Hayley 12. Dance with Me (reprise) - Paul 13. A Simple Valley Song - Hayley 14. Finale - Company